Expert pour la formulation du projet de renforcement du système de formation des formateurs EFTP, formateurs du secteur santé et enseignants du secondaire |
Pays : Ouganda | Années du projet : 2011 |
Nom du client : CTB | Montant total du projet : 33.000 € |
Partenaires : | Hommes / mois : 1 |
Description du projet :
The Government of Uganda and the Belgian Government have agreed to support an education project geared towards the improvement of (a) BTVET Instructors & Health Tutors Training and (b) Secondary Teacher Education.
The formulation team Had to validate, complement, and/or redirect the data from the identification file with the aim of defining a sound intervention strategy and to prepare the technical and financial file of the project.
The overall objective of the project was “to contribute to the expansion of equitable access and quality at Post Primary Education and Training, as part of the ongoing reforms targeting Universal Post Primary Education and Training (UPPET) that will enhance both the quality and efficiency of Secondary Teacher and Training Education and that of Tutor and Instructor Training in Uganda. The proposed project shall also focus respectively on the improvement of pedagogical leadership especially in vocational and core subjects of the Secondary School Curriculum for the NTCs and the acquisition of competencies outlined in the new “strategic plan for the development and management of instructor and health tutors” that is being developed for the TVET institutions”.
The specific objective of the project is “the proposed institutions will be rehabilitated, expanded and fully equipped for providing a modernized teaching and practice-oriented learning environment”.
Services rendus :
- Analysis, reformulation and validation of the identification regarding
- The activities in relation with BTVET and training of BTVET trainers:
- Equipment of Instructors and Tutors’ colleges to offer relevant and quality training
- Creation of an upgraded technical school, attached to Abilonino Instructor Training Institute
- Improvement of pedagogical skills at the college level more oriented towards practical learning
- Improvement of training and learning environment
- Creation of facilities for assessment and validation of the tutors’ and instructors’ certification country-wide
- Capacity building for supervisors and inspectors
- Assist to the identification of the activities in relation with the transversal themes
- Assist to the determination of the methodology to be followed for the different aspects of the formulation and planning process, prepare the methodology of the workshops and facilitate them
- Conduct the visits, interviews and animation of seminars and group meetings together with the other team members and to divide tasks among them when in need
- Participation in the coordination of all stakeholders, including in the first place the Ministry of education and multi- and bilateral development partners to make sure that their views is taken into account
- Assist to the formulation report redaction (strategy, logical framework, execution, modalities, risk analysis)